Buying Hay


Buying Hay helps you with everything you need to know about buying hay. These will enable you to be better informed when looking to buy hay.

Unlock Your Horse’s Health with Feed Testing: a discussion with Cassy Streeter and Kimberley Detmers

Buying Hay, Podcast, Selling Hay
Unlock Your Horse’s Health with Feed Testing: a | RSS.comPodcast Highlights This week on the podcast, Cassy Streeter and Kimberley Detmers discuss the launch of Equi-Analytical in Australia, which will significantly speed up feed testing results. They talk about the importance of forage testing for managing equine health conditions and…
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Fire Ant Ready: In the Zone with Shaun Hann

Buying Hay, Podcast, Selling Hay
Fire Ant Ready: in the Zone with Shaun Hann | RSS.comThis week on the podcast, Jon Paul Driver sits down with Shaun Hann, the Manager at Toowoomba Hay Farm, to discuss his firsthand experiences after one of their storage facilities was declared to be in a fire ant zone. Shaun…
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Southern Demand Challenging National Supply: a Market Update with Dave Clothier

Buying Hay, Podcast, Selling Hay
Southern Demand Challenging National Supply: a Ma | RSS.comThis week, Jon Paul Driver catches up with National Sales Manager, Dave Clothier, for a market update, discussing current trends in the hay market. Although there remains a significant volume of hay on the market, much of the product is currently only…
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Export Hay Opportunities: a discussion with Denis Johnson

Buying Hay, Podcast, Selling Hay
Export Hay Opportunities: a discussion with Denis | RSS.comIn this episode, Jon Paul Driver and Tim Ford caught up with with Denis Johnson from JT Johnson’s. Founded in 1923, JT Johnson’s is a family-run business now in its fifth generation and has been a key player in the Australian stockfeed…
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The Evolving Hay Market: a discussion with Pat Guerin

Buying Hay, Podcast, Selling Hay
The Evolving Hay Market: a discussion with Pat Gue | RSS.comThe Evolving Hay Market: a discussion with Pat Gue | RSS.comThis week, Jon Paul Driver is joined by Pat Guerin in a special two-part episode to discuss some of the many opportunities in the Australian hay industry. The discussion covers the need…
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Market Supply Shifts: a discussion with National Sales Manager Dave Clothier

Buying Hay, Podcast, Selling Hay
Market Supply Shifts: a discussion with National S | RSS.comPodcast  This week, Jon Paul Driver chats with Feed Central National Sales Manager Dave Clothier, to discuss the latest trends in the hay market. They explore everything from the diverse weather patterns across Australia, to record herd sizes, and the shifting…
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Malcolm May talks Export Hay Innovation

Buying Hay, Podcast, Selling Hay
Export Hay Innovation: a discussion with Malcolm M | RSS.comThis week Jon Paul Driver chats with agricultural trailblazer Malcolm May about the crucial role of farmer involvement in continuous innovation, and explores how the industry might continue to foster innovation in the coming years. Malcolm May is a well known…
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Seeding Success: a discussion with Grower Relations Manager Stephen Page

Buying Hay, Podcast, Selling Hay
Seeding Success: a discussion with Grower Relation | RSS.comPodcast Highlights This week, Jon Paul Driver chats to Grower Relations Manager Stephen Page about the recent rains, the upcoming hay season, shifts we’re seeing in bale contracting, and opportunities for spreading risk by working to the conditions. Episode Highlights: A variety…
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Balco’s CEO Rob Lawson talks the Export Hay Market

Buying Hay, Podcast, Selling Hay
Balco's CEO Rob Lawson talks the Export Hay Market | RSS.comPodcast Highlights In this episode of Hay Matters, Jon Paul Driver catches up with Rob Lawson from Balco and is introduced by Tim Ford.  Rob talks about the Australian export industry of hay, the current market conditions, and their effect…
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4,000 km of Hay: a roadtrip with Anthony Balzer and Jeff Collingwood

Buying Hay, Podcast, Selling Hay
4,000 km of Hay: a roadtrip with Anthony Balzer and Jeff Collingwood | RSS.comPodcast Highlights In this episode of Hay Matters, Jon Paul Driver catches up with Anthony Balzer and Jeff Collingwood following their recent road trip across NSW. They share some of their insights from the trip, including how…
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2024 Hay Market Insights and Trends: a discussion with Dave Clothier

Buying Hay, Podcast, Selling Hay
2024 Hay Market Insights and Trends: a discussion with National Sales Manager Dave Clothier | RSS.comPodcast Highlights In the latest episode of Hay Matters, Jon Paul Driver and Dave Clothier tackle the impact of unusual weather patterns, supply-demand shifts, and strategic considerations for livestock feed management, offering valuable insights for…
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Seasonal Shifts: 2023/24 Insights – a chat with Kimberley Detmers and Stephen Page

Buying Hay, Podcast, Selling Hay
Seasonal Shifts: 2023/24 Insights - a chat with Kimberley Detmers and Stephen Page | RSS.comIn the second episode of the Hay Matters Podcast, we’re discussing the 2023/24 hay season and positive trends we’ve seen across quality, testing, and storage, with Kimberley Detmers and Stephen Page. Episode Highlights: Kimberley reports increased…
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Tips on Preparing for a Wet Year

Buying Hay, Selling Hay
With ongoing rainfall, it’s important to have a strategy in place to keep things moving. Rainfall, while essential for agricultural prosperity, comes with its share of problems. While it’s essential for crop growth, it also poses risks like soil erosion, nutrient loss, and flooding. These challenges can impact your yield…
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Factors Influencing Today's Hay Market

Six Key Factors Influencing Today’s Hay Market

Buying Hay, Selling Hay
Our Director Tim Ford recently presented at the NSW DPI Dairy Breakfast. Tim’s presentation provided valuable information on the current state of the Australian hay market, touching on various factors influencing it, and today we’d like to share those with you. Below, we’ve highlighted some of the essential takeaways. For those…
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Parthenium Weed Alert

Buying Hay, Selling Hay
Parthenium is a noxious weed that can have negative impacts on humans, animals, and the environment alike. Feed Central is very conscious of the risk of Parthimium in hay in the affected Queensland Area, and makes all efforts to minimise risk, including ensuring there is no trade or transport of…
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Tips For A Profitable Hay Season 2024/25

Buying Hay, Selling Hay
As we stand on the brink of a new season the importance of embracing good hay making practices has never been more important. This year as always, patience and strategic planning are essential. That’s why we’ve put together a practical guide to help you navigate the road to success in…
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Fire Ants & Hay – Here’s what you need to know

Buying Hay, E-Learning, Feed Testing, Selling Hay

At Feed Central we understand the importance of NOT spreading fire ants when working with hay and other baled products. We also understand how important it is for each of us to play our own part.

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Tips For A Profitable Hay Season 21/22

Buying Hay, Selling Hay
Writing outlooks or predictions as you sit on the edge of any new season can be a challenge. Various views and projections start to be floated on both the fodder and grain markets, weather outlooks are in, and of course the gut feel of past season experiences is here to…
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Tips for a Profitable Hay Season 19/20

Buying Hay, Selling Hay
Are you thinking of making hay? Have you had a frost? Choosing between making Hay or Grain? DOWNLOAD ‘TIPS FOR A PROFITABLE HAY SEASON’ BOOKLETRead through our booklet to gain an insight into the hay market and answer some of your burning questions regarding new season DOWNLOAD BOOKLET HEREDue to…
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Hay Making Tips 2019/20

Buying Hay, Hay Bales, Selling Hay
TIPS FOR A PROFITABLE HAY SEASON 2019-2020 EDITION INTRODUCTIONMarketing and Making Hay – What, Why and How Much?SellingPicking and Paying a ContractorChoosing Between Making Silage or HayEstimating a Gross MarginCutting, Raking and Baling MethodsStorageINTRODUCTIONWow! What a year. We have seen hay prices reach record levels and supply is critically short.…
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Tips for a Profitable Hay Season 20/21

Buying Hay, Selling Hay
Are you thinking of making hay? Will there be a market? Wondering what is best between hay and grain? Our Hay booklet investigates market predictions for the 20/21 season and equips you with all the answers you need to help you make the right choices this season.
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Protein Hay And How Do They Differ From Each Other

Buying Hay, Hay Bales
Feeding Lucerne, Vetch or Clover hay can be a great protein source addition to your livestock’s diet. You might have wondered over the years what the differences are between these different types of protein hay and which one you should really be feeding to your stock. Well stop wondering and…
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